新澳门六合彩资料 has one of the largest selections of HSC courses on offer in a school in NSW.

This, combined with our very high achievement in such a wide range of courses, is why we are ranked so highly in the top schools in New South Wales and are one of the top schools in the Inner West, Sydney.

All HSC courses can be taken up in Year 11 with the exception of the Continuers Language which requires a student to have studied the subject in Year 9 and Year 10. The only compulsory subject is the study of English.

To be eligible for the HSC, girls must:

  • Study at least 12 units in Year 11
  • Six units must be NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) developed courses
  • Two units must be NESA developed English courses
  • Study at least four subject

NESA developed courses are the bulk of the courses developed for the HSC. They contribute to the ATAR and have an examination.

Each year some 新澳门六合彩资料 students in Year 11 and Year 12 select the Pathways option of extending their HSC by more than two years to accommodate their demanding commitments in extra-curricular activities or to provide, in special circumstances, flexible program delivery over a longer period of time. For emerging athletes, a HSC pathway is available. More information about the School's Emerging Athlete Program can be found here

Extension courses are 1 unit courses which build on the content of the 2 unit course. Extension courses require students to work beyond the standard of the 2 unit course, and are available in English, Science, Mathematics, History, Music and some Languages. Extension 2 course are also offered. HSC Extension courses in subjects other than English and Mathematics are offered and examined in Year 12 only. At 新澳门六合彩资料, Studies of Religion can be undertaken as either a 1 unit or a 2 unit course.

If you would like to learn more about the choice between the HSC and IB, please email Enrolments

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